Rafelbunyol, 12th January 2023
Rafelbunyol Town Council is the leader of «Incluseu», a European project aimed at youth, of cooperation between 8 European cities.
This project will focus on the exchange of experiences, intercultural dialogue, debate and joint reflection. During the 24 months of the project, the different participating entities will organize 8 international meetings in which partners from different social contexts will reflect and debate on different aspects related to the way out of social exclusion of young people through volunteering, by means of conferences, workshops, open discussions, debates, etc.
Today has been held the first meeting between the members: Rafelbunyol (Spain), Lasi (Romania), Budapest (Hungary), Fingal County Council (Ireland), Deão (Portugal), Rzeszów (Poland), Molfetta (Italy) and Herlen County Council (The Netherlands). A meeting in which a date has been set for the first exchange that will take place in the municipality that leads the project, Rafelbunyol, from the 9th to the 12th of March.
InclusEU is born with the idea of including those young people or citizens whose economic, personal or social development has been affected by the consequences of the Covid-19 pandemic. This proposal faithfully follows two of the priorities set out in the guide for this CERV call: to analyze the consequences suffered by young people and European citizenship, as well as to include those social groups that are most excluded or have fewer opportunities due to their dysfunctions through the possibilities offered by the European framework.
«We continue to be committed to youth. An active, participative, inclusive, prepared, open and global youth. The main objective of the InclusEU project is the European youth, the main target group of this proposal with an intergenerational perspective,» says Fran López, Mayor of Rafelbunyol.
«InclusEU will establish a new perspective in the dialogue on the future of Europe where youth will be the main driving force to alleviate this reality through solidarity activities that allow building relationships and integrating those social groups that are more socially excluded,says Rosa Azor, Councillor for Youth.