Volunteers of the Subjective Values Foundation were participating in the InclusEU international project in May 2023 and learn about volunteering from our partners and their volunteers from other European countries. They got a thorough overview of it. how Budapest’s 7th district and one of the capital’s best business schools coped with the difficulties caused by Covid-19 and how they were strengthened by togetherness. the practice of cooperation and volunteering in everyday life, even in these trying times.
At the opening gala evening of the project meeting, our foundation welcomed our partners in the heart of Budapest, where they could get to know the foundation’s employees and volunteers and then the Hungarian folk dance and folk music performed by the Bihari Dance Group.
The venue of the second day was the Sándor Wekerle Business School, where the director of the school, the president of SVF, Lörinc Marcell, the mayor of Erzsébetváros, Péter Niedermüller, welcomed the partners. After lunch, they could take part in creative workshops, followed by further presentations on the topics of solidarity and charity. After the workshops, the guests could get to know the Hungarian way of life in a traditional dance hall, after which the day ended with a traditional dinner. In the framework of the professional program, the participants were able to learn about the situation of local volunteering during and after the Covid-19 epidemic, and discussed the attitude of young people to volunteering, as well as the role of social challenges influencing them!
The venue of the third day’s program was Csányi5. The participants are presenting issues of integration, social equality and solidarity they could watch campaign films, followed by a round table discussion on how much in the different countries these phenomena can be experienced, and what can be done for a more equal, for a more solidary future.
During the rest of the day, the partners were able to see a music and dance show, and took a tour of the city of Budapest. During the city tour, they visited the famous places of Hungarian history and culture, getting to know the events, persons and places that influence the current society on a historical level and understand it s development. Subjective Values Foundation implemented the project in cooperation with the Municipality of Erzsébetváros and the Sándor Wekerle School of Business.
Huge thank you to our partners!
We would like to thank our partners for joining us in Budapest!