Rzeszów Agencja Rozwoju Regionalnego SA was established by a notarial deed on May 31, 1993 in the form of a joint stock company. The goal of RARR S.A. is to condut activities aimed at the comprehensive development of the Podkarpacie region by concentrating and mobilizing the potential of local communities as well as advisory and service activities in the processes of restructuring, opening and supporting economic ventures, promoting the region and acquiring foreign aid funds.
The area of RARR S.A.’s activity however, there is not only the Podkarpackie Voivodeship, as many projects implemented by the Agency have a supra-regional and even international scope. RARR S.A. has a large human resources potential. It employs over 180 people, including lawyers, economists, sociologists, financiers, engineers and design specialists. They all have the necessary experience and
knowledge needed to provide the services offered. If necessary, RARR uses a network of specialists cooperating with the Agency on specific issues.