Szubjektív Értékek Alapítvány (Subjective Values Foundation) was founded in 2002. The primary aim
of the founder, Levente Bod, was to tackle racism and discrimination. Besides the president (Marcell Lőrincz) of the advisory board, there are two more members: Ákos Dominus and Bálint Jósa. All of them are active participants in non-profit civil campaigns.
The foundation also involves volunteers into the coordination of different projects; they are usually young people between the age of 20 and 30 and they participate in organising programmes for the youth generation.
One of the main aims of the foundation is to provide a platform for young individuals, to identify and transfer those values and ideas which play an important role in their life to other young people. This is
why SVF was able to implement projects connected to cultural diversity, art, antiracism, poverty or environmental protection.
Organising cultural events are among the foundation’s main activities since 2001. These events approach the theme of discrimination and human rights; usually targeted the young audience. Besides, professional round table discussions, music events, trainings, video presentations, exhibitions and games attract the attention of people to the social problems of discrimination and racism.
Besides smaller scale cultural events, our team is responsible for organizing several activities with the
participation of youth such as the project called Generations which is about educating young people to become active citizens and learn more about democracy in Europe. As it is the young people’s future that is most affected by European decision-making processes, it is vital that their opinions are heard, and relayed to decision makers.