InclusEU is born with the idea of including those young people or citizens whose economic, personal or social development has been affected by the consequences of the Covid-19 pandemic.
This project faithfully follows two of the priorities set in the guide for this CERV call: to analyze the consequences suffered by youth and European citizenship as well as to include those social groups most excluded or with fewer opportunities due to their dysfunctionalities through the possibilities offered by the European framework.
Therefore, InclusEU will establish a new perspective in the dialogue in the future of Europe where young people will be the main actors and volunteers in alleviating this reality through solidarity activities that allow to build relationships and integrate those social groups that are more socially excluded.

- Promote the awareness of solidarity and sense of volunteering through youngsters and Europeans through the analysis of the main consequences provoked by Covid-19.
- Reinforce the tolerance from those social groups with less opportunities or more excluded from society.
- Encourage the participation and active involvement from youth in humanitarian actions besides the current Covid-19 pandemic.
- Increase the sense of unity and integration besides Europeans, independently from their self-conditions, social backgrounds in order to respect European values and rights.
InclusEU Events
- March 2023: Rafelbunyol (Spain)-Volunteering Needs, Active Youth
- May 2023: Budapest (Hungary)-European Values, The main base of Volunteerism
- August 2023: Fingal (Irlanda)-European Policies to Support Youth Voluntarism
- Octubre 2023: Deão (Portugal)-Empower Volunteerism for a better inclusion
- January 2024: Lasi (Romania)-Diversity for a more inclusive Europe
- April 2024: Rzeszów (Poland)-Volunteerism to overcome the Covid-19
- June 2024: Molfetta (Italy)-A new chapter of solidarity lead by Youth
- August 2024: Herlen (The Netherlands)-Solidarity Through the Pandemic Scenario.